Sonic Boom cookie episode

Hey, guys. Today’s idea will hopefully be a tasty treat for you, because I just thought of an episode that involves cookies. Yes, cookies. Now, I know it sounds weird, but please hear me out on this. This idea might mesmerise you, unlike the episode Eggheads, where most of Team Sonic turned into Eggman’s moustached minions.

I never understood why Tails, being a genius, didn’t suspect that something is wrong with the cookies that appeared out of nowhere. He worriedly tells Sonic not to eat the cookie. Not because there might be something wrong with the cookie (it could be poisoned or drugged, or it may have some kind of mind control serum), but because chocolate chunk is his favourite kind.

And don’t even get me started with Amy talking about her 4-month late birthday present (*grumble*). I have decided to add some twists to the story, though I am not sure what to call the episode (Cookies and Zombies, An Outbreak, Sweet Success etc.). Let’s get this show on the road.

The episode starts with Eggman doing evil genius things with his giant machine. Eggman’s robot assistant Boltsworth (a bulky robot assistant I came up with) shows up, wondering what Eggman is doing in the middle of the night. Eggman announces his greatest plan yet: choc chip cookies. Boltsworth is unimpressed with this idea and mocks him about giving the entire village diabetes. Eggman explains that the green coloured cookies, when eaten, will put someone in a state of hypnosis.

The next day, Sonic and friends are dining at Meh Burger and the customers, one table at a time, are given a plate of cookies to eat. When a plate is given to Team Sonic, they are ready to dig in, but Tails stops them. He points out that the people are acting strange, they are dizzy from eating the cookies. Then suddenly, they start to turn a sickly green colour and become zombies, not the decomposing kind that go around looking for people’s brains to eat. They start talking in a long, monotonous drone and try to force Sonic and friends to eat the cookies.

Team Sonic escape (with a cookie) to Tails’ workshop to see what is wrong. Tails finds out that the cookies given to the villagers are the main reason they ended up in a zombie-like state. Sonic thinks that the cookie itself is the problem, but Tails says that it has to be an ingredient that’s the problem. They disagree each with other’s claims, causing them to argue and then fall out. Meanwhile, Eggman, in his lair, is pleased with his work and calls it a sweet success, but Boltsworth doesn’t believe that this victory will last for long.

Sonic talks to Knuckles about Tails’ claim, and Tails talks to Amy and Sticks about Sonic’s. Tails decides to go to Eggman’s lair to find out the cookie’s ingredient responsible for the zombification, only to find out that Sonic was right all along. Sonic, surrounded by the zombie villagers, manages to figure out that Eggman was behind this and escapes the zombies. Tails catches up to him and finds a middle-sized shed to hide.

The two heroes are worried about what is happening and apologise for their actions. Tails tells Sonic that he was right about the cookies themselves and that he should have listened to him. Then, the zombies burst in and corner Sonic and Tails, and just as hope seemed to be lost for the duo, the zombie status wears off. Worried, Sonic asks a village woman if she is alright, and she explains what happened after she ate the cookie (the strange feeling before she became a zombie). Sonic asks Tails how long it has been, and Tails says that it has been three hours. Eggman is upset that his plan was a failure, with an ‘I told you so’ from Boltsworth.

The rest of Team Sonic, back at Tails’ workshop, learn that the cookies, when eaten, puts the person in a zombie-like state that lasts for three hours, no matter how many they eat. Sticks then throws the cookie out of the workshop, only to have a non-anthropomorphic rodent eat the cookie, with the screen fading to black.

Now, I know what you are all thinking. If a cookie turns you into a zombie for three hours, then why doesn’t the effect last longer after eating more cookies? Ever heard of Super Bomberman for the Super Nintendo? There is an item you can collect that can protect you from damage, and that item is the heart (the one with the cute smile on its face). The only downside to it is that no matter how many of these hearts you collect, the effect of this item will protect you from damage only once.

So, that’s my idea for a Sonic Boom cookie episode. If you like it (or not), please let me know in the comments (Google+). 

Thanks for reading, and take care.

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