Hey, guys. How’s season 2 going for you? I said it before and I’ll say it again: if you like this show, then I’m OK with that. This (ridiculously named) episode was an episode that got some chuckles out of me, with its puns and jokes and its music references. Speaking of music references, the episode title is based on the song ‘Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better’. Before I saw this episode, after reading the episode's... misleading summary, I had an idea of how the idea would pan out, to make it… emotional, shall we say? We’ll get to that later, but first, let’s get this review out of the way.
Just a warning, though: this review contains spoilers, so please watch the episode (if you haven't) before reading this review.
The episode starts with Sonic and Tails fighting Eggman's Vacuum-Bot. I have to say that this robot may be the best-looking robot to date. So cool, yet intimidating. Sonic gets sucked in and, after a while, defeats the robot. Tails scoffs Eggman for even trying to defeat Sonic with ‘that tin-can’, and Eggman complains about how difficult it is to capture Sonic, seeing as Tails has never done something like this before.
This gives Sonic and Tails an idea of a bet: to see if Tails can capture Sonic, and whoever loses the bet has to perform a romantic song at Meh Burger’s Karaoke Night. At Meh Burger, Amy is against the idea, as Sonic can be competitive at times. Tails assures her that is a friendly competition between a mechanic and the world’s (or, in this case, the village’s) fastest hedgehog. Which for some reason confuses Knuckles, in terms of skill and names. I think it’s fair to say that Knuckles’ drink must have given him brain freeze so bad(ly) that he forgot who his friends are.
Tails tries to capture Sonic with bait (a chilli dog) and a trap (a cage), twice, but it doesn’t work. Sonic, using academic grades, tells him that he is improving, but Tails doesn’t believe him. Later, Sonic and Knuckles see Tails carrying a heavy barrel on his back (I think), and Knuckles takes the barrel (that was meant for Sonic) and ends up getting trapped, annoying Tails. Then we see Sonic and Amy walking in the canyons when suddenly, they are attacked by homing boulders. Tails manages to trap Amy, but not Sonic.
Then Tails tries to capture Sonic with bear-traps, which end up trapping Sticks (who appreciates the artwork) instead of Sonic. Maybe Tails was waiting for Sonic to trip and fall, or tire out so that he would get caught. Then Sonic comes across a frozen lake, only to find Tails sitting on a chair next to a wooden table(?) with a chilli dog in place. Sonic takes the bait and ends up holding on for dear life on a slab of broken ice. Eggman shows up and states that Tails doing the hard work was all part of his plan. Okaaay.
Tails, remembering where Knuckles and Amy were, goes off to find them. While Sticks managed to get herself out of the trail of bear-traps. They go to the frozen lake, where Sonic is, save his life and defeat Eggman. Tails apologises to his friends for what happened, but the others – unlike Sonic – are not so forgiving, and Amy points out that Tails (instead of wasting his time on setting them free via pinpoint location) should have used his communicator to contact them. How would Amy and Knuckles get out if he did? Maybe they would have, maybe they wouldn’t have. Then the episode ends with Tails, having ‘lost’ the bet, cacophonously singing a romantic song at Meh Burger.
I genuinely found this episode entertaining to watch, except for its name and ending. As I have said before, the episode’s jokes and puns really amused me and I liked its music references. I also stated that I had an idea of how the episode would pan out, before watching it: after many hilarious attempts (from Tails or Eggman) of trying to outdo one another, Eggman pesters Tails into capturing Sonic to prove that he truly is a genius.
Tails is torn with this, but goes along with it anyway, just to shut him up. When that happens, Sonic is understandably upset with Tails. Tails rescues him, they defeat Eggman and the duo talk(s) it out. Tails apologises for what he did, and asks for forgiveness and to start talking as friends again, to which Sonic replies, "We'll see". Tails repeats Sonic's words, and the episode fades to black.
Just an idea for a heartbreaking and heart wrenching episode (with Sonic and Tails being brothers as well as friends). The reason I came up with this idea was because I read the summary of the episode, where it stated that Eggman challenges Tails to capture Sonic, to prove that he is a genius.
Well, that’s it for my review. If you like this episode, that's fine. If not, that's fine too.
Until next time, thank you guys for reading, and take care.
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